Furqan Ali

Software Engineer

A Dedicated & Innovative Person With Passion


I’m Furqan Ali

AI Engineer,   WEB3 & Crypto.

Connect with me to explore new ideas

Seoul, South Korea


Recent Work


AI Engineer

YAHO | Seoul, S.Korea | 07/2022 - Present

  • To build a recommendation engine that can recommend best tutor for the child based on his activities, hobbies, interest, likes and dislikes. (used tensorflow and pytorch).


  • Working on Neural Collaborative model, and hybrid model such as LightFm. (used tensorflow and pytorch)


  • Also working parallelly on introducing Learn-to-earn blockchain model into the Yaho app. (used solidity and web3)


  • Reference contact point: joon@yaho.life (CTO YAHO LAB)

ML Research Engineer

CCR LAB | Goyang-si | 12/2020 - 08/2022

  • Develop web & mobile apps that can trace covid patients and then generate alert once an infected person comes in
    contact with the non-infected person. (used flutter and nodejs)
  • Developed Prioritized maintaining user privacy. For the user privacy, I used beacon concept. (used flutter and nodejs)
  • Encrypt user personal information.
  • Developed multivariate forecasting models that can predict COVID-19 (used tensorflow & pytorch)
  • Detection of human activites across train, buses, cars, handwashing, touching mouth, etc. (tensorflow & pytorch)
  • Project github: https://github.com/CovidTrackerApp

Infrastructure Engineer

Freelance Engineer| Seoul, S.Korea | 09/2021 - Present

Worked with many big tech clients and provided them network plus desktop/application side support, managed their
infrastructure which includes:

  • Fixing any network and connectivity issues that could crop up, detecting system and application issues, and ensuring the
    smooth flow of data and voice throughout the organization.
  • Updating hardware required for maintenance of servers and the network.
  • Manage the security of computer systems and inter-application information transfers.
  • Upgrading and improving operating environments, creating repair strategies, and providing technical support and training
    for users.
  • Responding effectively and speedily to any problems.
  • Updating any software and hardware where necessary.
    Documenting all reported malfunctions and actions taken in response.

NLP Engineer Intern

IBEX | Goyang-si | 10/2020 - 12/2020

  • Developed a smart chatbot for e-commerce platform that can generate quick autonomous replies by seeing the ongoing
    chat with customers. (RASA & pytorch)
  • Developed recommendation system (Collaborative, Content and Hybrid Engines e.g. LightFm) (Tensorflow)
    Recommend replies.
  • Worked on Dialogflow and Rasa to develop chatbots

Co-Founder & Dev Team Lead (Part time)

ReliefMe | Karachi, Sindh | 02/2020 - 09/2020

Collaborated with silicon valley non-profit tech startup named Virufy. My key responsibility include:

  • Design an end-to-end deep learning pipeline that can predict whether the user is infected with COVID-19 or not by using their recorded cough samples and historical disease data.
  • Lead the overall development of the product, handled frontend team, worked with backend team and personally developed
    AI pipelines. (Tensorflow & pytorch)
  • Additionally worked on signal processing and many filters for noise removal such as Kalman filter, high pass, low pass
  • Github: https://github.com/ReliefMe

Machine Learning Engineer (Part time)

Kodershub | Karachi, Sindh | 03/2018 - 02/2020

  • From April 2018 - 2019, I worked as an embedded system Engineer and designer. My role was to:
    Developed low-cost complete home automation circuit. Worked on Atmel microcontrollers such as stm32 etc, for
    developing autonomous drones.
  • From March 2019 - September 2020, I worked as an ML Engineer. My task include:
  • Scrape data from different websites, and store it on the server for preprocessing.
  • Design and code text classification and generation GAN DL pipeline and deploy it into production.

Computer Proficiency

Specializing In
Real World Programming
Skilled in Tensorflow, Keras, PyTorch & other frameworks
Core experises in Real World AI & Computer Vision Projects
Flutter Mobile App Development with ML Kit
SQL, MySQL, NoSQL, MongoDB, etc
Docker & Kubernetes
Flask & Django
DevOps CI and CD
Structured & Unstructured Database Query
Cloud Computing: AWS | GCP | MS Azure
Cloud Cognitive Services
Full Stack Web Developer (JS/PHP)
Arduino & Raspberry Pi Programming
Batch Programming
Git Version Controlling
Design Patterns
OOP & Data Structures


Area of Expertise


Python 93%

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence 89%

Java Script

Java Script 90%

Node JS

Node JS 89%


Flask 90%


Java Script 88%

C++ Language

C++ 83%


Firebase 92%


Arduino 85%


TensorFlow 95%

C Language

C 85%


Arduino 85%

React JS

React JS 70%


PyToech 80%


Php 66%

Go Language

Go 66%


React JS 66%


Flutter 91%



M.S. in Software Engineering

Korea Aerospace University

goyang-si, S.korea


What My Clients Say

He is the best Easter Egg of Machine Learning. Exceeded my expectations 1,000%. Communicating my needs and expectations were easy. Furqan Ali was spot on and I was really impressed with his professionalism and friendliness. Of all the sellers I have worked with on this platform, he has been the friendliest and most knowledgeable. His wealth of experience is next to none. If you work with anyone else except him, your loss.

Filippo Cesarini